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Welcome to our gaming blog!

As we publish our first article about Omori, we think it's worth introducing us and how this blog idea was born. We promise we will be brief!

For who has no clue about who we are, we are Michele and Vincenzo, two brothers from Italy who share the love for videogames as an art and spend a lot of time during the day thinking about this industry (other than of course playing games for fun!). Currently we're physically far away from each other by 8,616 Km (or 5,354 miles if you prefer) and by 9 hours in time difference, but this doesn't stop us from connecting over Zoom to play videogames together.

We are pursuing very different paths in the gaming space: Michele will soon (from July 2023) be a Product Manager at EA in San Francisco, with experience in management consulting and an MBA, while Vincenzo is the creative guy, who wrote a novel, plays the guitar, and is now studying game design at FutureGames in Stockholm. Check the About us page if you want to know more or connect with us!

Anyway, we do spend a lot of time playing videogames together, and we recently stumbled upon Omori. We played it all and while playing and discussing it we said something like "Wouldn't it be cool to write an article about what we discuss and what we think about this game?". And so we started drafting our first article, and we're really happy with the outcome!

We have no clear plan in terms of frequency or specific topics for the upcoming articles, but we hope this will be informative and a new way to connect and discuss about gaming with others!

Let us know what you think about our first article and we look forward to publishing many more!

Michele & Vincenzo

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